Wir wollen 'Carbon Removal' weltweit skalierbar machen - indem wir Gebäude in Kohlenstoffsenken verwandeln!

ecoLocked ist aus dem Drang in uns allen entstanden, praktische Lösungen zur Eindämmung des Klimawandels zu entwickeln – so schnell wie möglich, und dort, wo es am dringendsten nötig ist. Da die industrielle Dekarbonisierung viel zu langsam vorangeht, war uns schnell klar: wir können das 1,5-Grad-Ziel nur mit zusätzlichen, schnell skalierbaren ‚Carbon Removal'-Technologien erreichen.

Im September 2021 haben wir ecoLocked mit dem Ziel gegründet, die dauerhafte Speicherung von Biokohlenstoff in Gebäuden mit praktischen Produkten und Mehrwert für den Bausektor zu verbinden. Denn wir sind der festen Überzeugung, dass wirtschaftlicher Nutzen und Klimaverträglichkeit miteinander vereinbar sind und sich in nachhaltigen Wertschöpfungsketten sogar gegenseitig verstärken.

Im Jahr 2022 haben wir erste öffentliche Mittel und Wagniskapital erhalten und eigene Labor- und Produktionsflächen in der Nähe von Berlin eröffnet. Ein Jahr später konnten wir unsere Anwendungen im kommerziellen Maßstab mit verschiedenen Industriepartnern validieren und erste Produkte für Betonfertigteile an den Markt bringen. In unserer Arbeit werden wir von mehreren renommierten Accelerator-Programmen unterstützt, darunter Carbon2Value und RESPOND.

Wir arbeiten weiterhin mit Nachdruck an unserer Lösung und präsentieren stolz unser vielfältiges Team aus multidisziplinären Experten und Klima-Enthusiasten!

Werde Teil des Teams

Unsere Gründer

Mario is an economist and passionate about harmonizing business and nature - using the power of technology. He holds a PhD in Corporate Finance/Sustainable Business and spent six years at BCG, working on industry decarbonization and biodiversity. In his free time, Mario enjoys biking, hiking, and reading about politics and society.

“We urgently need to scale up long-term carbon removal. And that requires scalable and permanent sinks where we can create value from carbon: buildings!”

Mario Schmitt

Co-CEO & Co-founder

strategy | finance | org | supply chain

Steff is an expert in developing scalable, sustainable business models. She has been a Climate Action Fellow with the World Economic Forum, setting up a global coalition to commercialize emerging climate tech. She has been a Principal with BCG, specializing in Climate & Sustainability. In her downtime, Steff likes to read and be active outdoors.

“The concrete industry needs an easy-to-deploy and affordable solution to meet their 2030 emissions commitments”

Steff Gerhart

Co-CEO & Co-founder

biz dev | partnerships | marketing

Micheil is an environmental scientist and mechanical engineer with significant research and industrial experience in the UK, China, and Germany. When not working on climate solutions, Micheil enjoys making music and biking, and has even cycled from the UK to Hong Kong!

“I am motivated to be working on technical innovations that create value from biochar and support the transition to a low-carbon society. Creating practical solutions from new ideas and realizing the resulting impact is what it is all about!”

Micheil Gordon

CTO & Co-founder

products | technology | operations

Mario Schmitt

Mario is an economist and passionate about harmonizing business and nature - using the power of technology. He holds a PhD in Corporate Finance/Sustainable Business and spent six years at BCG, working on industry decarbonization and biodiversity. In his free time, Mario enjoys biking, hiking, and reading about politics and society.

“We urgently need to scale up long-term carbon removal. And that requires scalable and permanent sinks where we can create value from carbon: buildings!”

Mario Schmitt

Co-CEO & Co-founder

strategy | finance | org | supply chain

Steff Gerhart

Steff is an expert in developing scalable, sustainable business models. She has been a Climate Action Fellow with the World Economic Forum, setting up a global coalition to commercialize emerging climate tech. She has been a Principal with BCG, specializing in Climate & Sustainability. In her downtime, Steff likes to read and be active outdoors.

“The concrete industry needs an easy-to-deploy and affordable solution to meet their 2030 emissions commitments”

Steff Gerhart

Co-CEO & Co-founder

biz dev | partnerships | marketing

Micheil Gordon

Micheil is an environmental scientist and mechanical engineer with significant research and industrial experience in the UK, China, and Germany. When not working on climate solutions, Micheil enjoys making music and biking, and has even cycled from the UK to Hong Kong!

“I am motivated to be working on technical innovations that create value from biochar and support the transition to a low-carbon society. Creating practical solutions from new ideas and realizing the resulting impact is what it is all about!”

Micheil Gordon

CTO & Co-founder

products | technology | operations


Nsesheye Susan Priebe

Head of R&D

Chinmay Save

Senior Finance & Strategy Manager

Miriam Straub

Senior People Manager

Gilberto Nery

Senior Product Manager

Giorgio Ponte

Business Development Manager

Alejandro Castilla

Senior Operations Manager

Rawia Dabbebi

Senior R&D Engineer

Feras Tajra

Senior Product Development Manager

Simon Mlynek

Senior Business Development Manager

Riccardo Ambrosini

Impact Manager

Sepanta Golchin

Marketing Manager

Mostafa Sallam

Concrete Technologist

Ricardo Fabián Rodríguez Avilés

Production Manager

Ubaid ur Rehman Siddiqui

Lab Technician

Katharina Brunner

People & Finance Manager

Ruth Beniermann

Business Development Manager

Esteban Enrique Aceituno Valera

Technical Sales

Muhammed Usman

Operations Assistant

Sanchit Sharma

Working Student Business Development

Kylan Aissaoui

Working Student Business Development


Jeffrey Katz

"We are more than convinced that ecoLocked has the talent and the technology to fundamentally alter the climate impact of the construction industry."

Martin Unger

"We were super impressed by the team's drive and conviction to tackle this gigantic issue."

Andy Bonsall

"Counteract are really happy to support ecoLocked. We are all about scalable CDR solutions – so the enormous potential for biochar in concrete caught our attention, and the strength of ecoLocked's team, vision and technology convinced us."

Christian von Olshausen

“With ecoLocked, we unlock biochar's endless potential for economic and ecologic, carbon-negative value chains.”



Wir streben nach Exzellenz und kontinuierlichem Wachstum


Wir sind offen für Veränderungen und überprüfen regelmäßig unsere Rolle und Wirkungsweisen


Wir entgegnen anderen mit Fairness und Respekt


Wir arbeiten gemeinsam auf unser Ziel hin und unterstützen uns gegenseitig


Wir übernehmen Verantwortung und gehen mit gutem Beispiel voran


Wir fördern Kreativität und lassen Raum für Innovation


Unsere Neugierde treibt uns an und beflügelt uns


Wir bieten ein Umfeld, wo sich Individuen entfalten und Balance finden können